Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gosh, it's been a while hasn't it?  I've put several things on Ebay and three on Etsy for sale.  Doing okay, not as well as I thought I would.
Still unemployed but waiting to hear from several assisted living facility administrators about precepting me for the ALF licensure.  Wow, it's really hard to get people to commit to this!  The state requires me to have 640 hours of precepting before I sit for the exam.  I guess I wouldn't want someone else following me around for 4 months either.  But we will keep asking and see what we can do.
Don't you just love all this ranting about employment?!
At any rate, I have been able to sew more and took a class at Cottonwood the local quilt store to learn how to operate my Bernina machine better.  That was interesting and I did learn a bunch of stuff.  Below are some of the tops I've been working on and selling, either on Ebay or Etsy.  Seems to keep me busy and out of trouble!
Football season starts this Thursday and get ready, I am a HUGE college football fan and it all works and lives and breathes around the University of Alabama Football.  My wonderful daughter and her husband both attended UA and are season ticket holders.  My son and I attend in spirit..................
Eveyone have a good day!


Putting in buttons

Lily's Quilts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Yup, still here!
Still unemployed but have some interesting things on the horizon.  But, to the fun part, quilting A LOT!  Did pretty well on Ebay this past week, of course I haven't listed in months so it will take some time for everyone to realize I'm back on again.  mountaincottagequiltsandvintagetreasures if anyone wants to check it out.  
I've also set up an Etsy store: VAMountainquilts for that one.  I've finished some nice applique pieces that I've put on Etsy.  
When I say quilting, I mean piecing.  I don't actually quilt, I send that out to a long arm quilter.  I mean that I piece...........all the time.  It's either paper piecing or applique. I go to my sewing class tomorrow from 10am to 12pm, can't wait for that, then lunch with an old friend.  Should be fun!  We both love Chinese food so that will be the fare of the day.  Isn't it interesting that we look forward to a sewing class and Chinese food as the highlight of the day?  How things change as we age and I'm not minding a bit!

On to the applique...............

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cats and Halloween

Working on stuff for Halloween and I'm completely inconveniencing the Lucy.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Blitzen by moda

I've been working on this for a couple of weeks. Going to put it on eBay for the Christmas season

Saturday, August 4, 2012


The porch is a southern thing. I was at a friends house tonight and she comes very close to having a perfect porch. See for yourself

Thursday, August 2, 2012

And not to be out done, here's Lucy

Lucy was very upset that I posted Blanche's picture and not hers
So here's Lucy!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

August 1, 2012
So just to recap, I am officially now unemployed with a nice severance package (10 weeks).  But still not feeling like it's the worst thing that ever happened to me.  There were 14 of us that were severenced today and I feel like I am one of the lucky ones with a little money in the bank and a nursing degree.  Some of the others I feel bad for, no skills and have been there forever.  
At any rate, quilting is my sanity.  I posted pictures of the little top I made earlier and I added some little applique flowers around the borders.  It turned out cute, I'll be listing that one on Ebay shortly.  I love making the little ones, average size is 20 inches square.  But they are fun!  I made another one earlier tonight, it's a Halloween based and made from a charm pack from Moda, full of halloween fabrics.  I'll post pics of that one tomorrow too.  Most of the little tops I sell on Ebay, have to support this habit somehow!  And now  with no job, hey, wonder if I can sew for a living??  Can you imagine sewing tops all day?  What fun that would be!  Later gator................

Working on today

Today Im finishing up the little Aunt Grace blocks. The appliqué pieces will be on the border. I'll post the final when it's done. I really think it will be cute!