Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New treasures that I've been working on and some from the past year

Let's post some pictures of the new treasures I've been working on:
This one's perfect for Spring, isn't it?  Also for sale on Etsy.

"The Dresses" on Etsy.  I don't often do blues, greens and grays for this particular top.  I navigate more toward the brighter oranges and reds for this quilt top most of the time.  Just wanted to change it up here and do something different!

This turned out so cute.  It started as a little plain  until I added the ric-rack!

All of the quilt tops from here down were made in the last year, thought you might like to see them!
I call this the "Fire Star" and this one I made last year but I thought you might want to see it.

Don't you just love the ocean colors in this one?

This is a miniature quilt, measures 18x18 inches 


This New York Beauty ended up measuring out at  30 x 48
So there you have it!  Some of the tops I've made in the past year and then some new ones!  Have a great day, it's cold and rainy here, a perfect day to sew!
<center><a href=""><img border="0″ src="" /></a></center>

Monday, February 25, 2013

Friends in need

Got an email today from a friend of mine, actually she used to work for me in my  last job.  She has Lupus and was diagnosed at 14 with it.  She's been suffering lately with "flairs" and they've been making her life miserable.  They put in a Pic-line today so that she could get medication in her system faster.  I hate diseases, especially chronic ones.  I have a fairly bad case of arthritis but God was kind to me and gave it to me in my feet and hips. I think God knew how important it was to me to be able to sew so he decided to challenge me on another level.  Some days it's hard to walk, but I get by and my fingers work really well.  
I think hard and long about all of the people in this world who are "suffering" from one thing or another.  Maybe its a medical reason, maybe it's a psychological reason, perhaps it's suffering from abuse or neglect.  Life is fragile, take care of it.
I finished up several things yesterday.  I so love Sunday's!  They are fabulous days for quilting.
I'm going to post some pictures later, right now it's time for bed. Night

My Etsy Shop

Click here for the cutest top ever!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Purchases from the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival

The weatherman had told us that today would be rainy, icy, sleet and freezing rain......not so much but since that was supposed to be the case I spent today going through my purchases from the Quilt Festival.  Some of that time was spent staring at the fabric trying to figure out what I'm going to do with it!  I love letting my mind race and trying to figure out what is the best way to use the fabric and the colors.  I was lucky enough to snatch a layer cake of Bonnie and Camille's Marmalade line which I've been unable to find anywhere else so I think I will use that to make some  more of my "dresses".  We'll see, but I do love those colors!  I also got a layer cake of Honey, Honey and a charm pack.   Don't know what those will be either......we'll continue to contemplate!
Well, we never did get the rain or anything else for that matter and the temp got up to almost 60 degrees.  It was a nice day for a walk so that's what I did this afternoon.  I started walking when I discovered that since I wasn't working, my muscle tone was going south.  I've now come to look forward to the walk everyday.  
I take my Administrator's exam this coming Thursday.  Some apprehension involved there but we'll let you know how it goes.  
Parents have been quiet this week.  Nothing new there. Have a good Sunday!

Saltwater Quilts

Saltwater Quilts
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="150" height="150" /></a>

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival

February 22, 2013
I had such a fabulous time at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival yesterday!  The bus from Cottonwood (the local quilt store), left at 7am and we got to the Festival about 10am.  It was in Hampton, VA.  The place was packed to the brim with quilters and it was such fun to shop for a solid 6 hours and look at nothing other than quilts, fabric, gadgets, etc.  Like a big candy store for quilter's.  Highly recommend it for anyone who has an opportunity to go to any quilt festival.  The bus got back to Cottonwood around 7pm and I then drove home and fell into bed...exhausted!
I'm sharing some pictures I took of the quilts that were on display there.  For the disclaimer, I did not make these quilts.  They were on display at the Festival and there was nothing to indicate that pictures were prohibited.  The red quilt won "Best in Show", when you see it, you'll understand why!  Some of the pics are somewhat fuzzy, sorry about that.
Enjoy the pictures, I'll write more about my purchases later, right now I'm still exhausted!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mid-Atlantic Quilt Show

Going here this Thursday!  Can't wait and I hopefully will bring back lots of stuff and pictures to post for you to see.  The local quilt shop in Charlottesville, VA rents two buses full of crazy women (most of them) that go to this amazing show every year.  I went last year and loved it so I'm back on the bus this Thursday.  See ya!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Life with Elderly Parents

Part of the reason I quilt is what happens to my body and mind when I do it.  If you pay attention you can feel the stress run out of your body as you concentrate on the feel of the fabric, the colors, the thread...all of it.  There is something in there that takes you someplace else.  Now, people out there that don't sew, of some sort, I can see you rolling your eyes...boy, is this woman nuts! So let me tell you the rest of the story.
My parents who are picking at the sides of 80 years, have two forms of transportation, one very old SUV and a small pick-up truck that I gave them for Christmas a couple of years ago.  The very old SUV was/is getting beyond its years and they really needed a new vehicle.  They need two vehicles, there is a bigger story here but that's for another time.  So, after much thought and figuring out how to pay for something else on a very limited income (they only have social security to live on) and many, many arguments (we don't do anything in the family without an argument) we (the three of us made the decision) decided that a semi-new car was needed. Now, I have been alive for 58 years and my parents have had many cars in the past.  The thought crossed my mind that this would probably be the last car they would purchase, either together or separately.  There is some sadness associated with that thought.
My next door neighbor is Art, he is a very detailed man who takes care of everything he has and he has ALOT of stuff.  All very organized, all in good shape. So, speaking with him one day he mentioned that he had bought a new car.  I'm the oblivious neighbor, I never notice new things like the neighbors new car, new plants, etc.  I do not notice things like that, I just don't.  Anyway, he continues to tell me that he is selling his old car, which is a very nice car.  I'm thinking that it would be a good car for my parents, easy to drive, easy to get in and out of, etc. So I ask him the price, he tells me, long story short, we go to the bank and get the money and buy the car.  
It's a really nice Toyota Avalon, all electric everything (there's a reason why I mentioned that), leather seats, sunroof, etc.  
My father has the beginnings of Organic Brain Syndrome.  This is a slow moving form of dementia.  He has problems remembering words and his speech is slurred.  He sometimes sounds like he's been nipping at the bottle but I know he doesn't drink anymore.  He also is completely and utterly computer/electronic challenged.  And challenged is a mild word.  He cannot turn on a computer, much less turn one off.  I bought him a Kindle last Christmas, he cannot work it. He can turn it off and on and can turn the pages.   I have to go to his house, put the books he wants on the thing and he can do enough to read the book, most of the time. I say this, not as a criticism but as an observation.  
My father has always been my caregiver, my whole life, my biggest fan and biggest critic.  But he is my hero.  When I was 8 we were in a car accident.  Neither of us were hurt bad but I had a bloody nose and a lot of facial swelling.  I was checked out at the hospital and pronounced fine and sent home.  I went to bed that night with my father in a chair at the side of my bed.  I woke up in the morning with my father in the same chair at the side of the bed.  
Sorry, I digress.
Mom has the car pretty much figured out.  She's mentally sharp, her body is going to pieces, but nothing wrong with her mind.  She's mastered the buttons and knobs and is off to the races.
So, Dad calls me the other night.  "Sharon, I'm sorry to bother you but I think I need you to come over here and help me." (I live 7 miles from them).  "What's wrong Dad?" I ask.  "Well, there's a light on in the car and I can't figure out how to turn the light off.  I've pushed all the buttons, I've turned it on, turned it off, I can't get this light to turn off!"  (He's exasperated now)  "Tell me about the light, Dad".  Where is the light?"  "On the dashboard" he says.  I'm thinking real hard about this light.  It's cold outside and it's also 9pm.  I don't really want to go over there if I can help it.  
"What color is the light?" I ask.  He says, "it's red".  Aahh!  "Is it blinking? I ask.  He says, "yes, it's blinking". Eureka!!!!!  "Dad, that's the alarm system light.  It's supposed to blink.  It lets the bad guys know when they come to steal your car that you have an alarm system".  "Well, won't it run down the battery?" he asks.  "No, it's a good thing, it's supposed to be blinking and red.  It will not run down the battery" I say.  He pauses, then he says, you mean that car has an alarm and it will go off if someone tries to steal it?"  "I never heard of such a thing!"
I drive a big, bulky Ford F-150 four door King Cab truck, yea, easy on gas, yea right.  My father has ridden with me many times.  He never noticed that there was an alarm. Funny how things we take for granted are something new for somebody else.  He had no idea, it wasn't in his world, so he didn't know.  His world is getting smaller, that's kind of scary.  Understandable, but scary for me, remember? he's my hero.
Take care, thanks for listening

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February 13, 2013
The mountain is fogged in today.  Funny how the weather is so different here?!  I can look out the window, look up and see the top of Afton Mountain most of the time, today-not so much.  It doesn't appear that there is even a mountain there!
At any rate, giving you updates on a couple of the tops I've been working on.  This first one is a beauty, I used bleached muslin and the newest line from Sandy Garvis (sp?) Flirt.  It's a new twist on the Baltimore blocks.  The blocks measured 16 inches when I put them together.  The borders are scrappy and it turned out really cute I think! Don't you?

The next top is from my newest favorite designer, Riley Blake and her "Hello Sunshine" line.  I just LOVE this fabric, it is so bright and cheery.  I 've made two of the "dress" tops out of a layer cake.  You can find both of these tops for sale in my Etsy shop, VAMountainQuilts.  Check them out!

So there you have it! I've been busy!  I'm now working on two more tops, both from the Kate Spain, Curaco line.  I'll post pictures of them in a couple of days.  Take care and keep quilting!